News & Events

Clay Kelty presents his academic research to the South Coast Geological Society
ECI geologist Clay Kelty gave talk to the South Coast Geological Society presenting his research on the deformation and topographic development along the Santa Ynez River Fault in California.
Written by Administrator (January 2023)

2023 INQUA Conference
Rome, Italy
July 14-20, 2023

2023 AEG Meeting
Portland, OR
Sept. 19-24, 2023

Houston, TX
Aug 27 – Sept 4, 2023

Taylor Bogdanovich - 2022 South Coast Geological Society President
ECI’s Taylor Bogdanovich has served as president of the South Coast Geological Society in 2022. Besides hosting the monthly meetings, Taylor has organized a field trip to the Lake Havasu area.
Thank you Taylor!
Written by Administrator (January 2023)

Tania Gonzalez' article rated as "Top Downloaded"
Written by Administrator (October 2022)

ECI present at the USA Volleyball Open Championships in Orlando, FL
Eldon Gath (second left) and his team ranked third place at the USA Volleyball Championships in Orlando, Florida. Congrats, Eldon!
Written by Administrator (October 2022)

Clay Kelty published research paper in "Tectonics"
Clay Kelty (Geologist at ECI) published his academic research on deformation and topographic development along the Santa Ynez River Fault with Dr. Nate Onderdonk (professor at California State University, Long Beach).
Download full article here:
Written by Administrator (September 2022)
Eldon Gath presented at the SCGS August Meeting
“Turning Hills into Mountains: How the collision of the Santa Ana Mountains and the Puente Hills dominate Orange County’s seismic hazard!”. Eldon Gath compressed 40 years of remembering everything and anything on Orange County geomorphology, tectonics, paleogeography, paleoseismology, engineering geology, structural geology, sedimentology, geochemistry, and even anthropogenic history, into a 65 minute talk (+ Q&A) and presented to the geology community of Orange County on Monday August 3rd, 2020 via Zoom. This talk pulls from two MS and two PhD attempts, now if he could only write it up. Click the play button to watch Eldon’s talk now and learn more about the fascinating geologic history of Orange County.
Written by Administrator (October 2019)

Tania Gonzalez Co-Author in AGU Volume Publication
ECI Vice-President Tania Gonzalez has contributed to an AGU publication discussing how constraints on seismic shaking for the geological past at a site in central California can be used to improve earthquake hazard estimates for the future. Read the paper by clicking the link below:
Written by Administrator (October 2021)

Clay Kelty - New Face at ECI!
Clay Kelty has been working with ECI staff geologists on several field projects and has proven to be a valuable member to the team. Clay just finished an MS in Geology at California State University in Long Beach. His research focuses on fluvial terraces of the lower Santa Ynez river in California as markers to measure regional uplift, recency of faulting along the Santa Ynez River fault, and terrace formation at the fluvial/coastal interface.
Welcome to ECI, Clay!
Written by Administrator (May 2021)

Eldon Gath of ECI and Jim McCalpin publish in AEG News (Summer 2021)
“The modern era of Paleoseismology arguably began 50 years ago, shortly after the 1971 San Fernando, California earthquake (M6.6). This was the nation’s most damaging urban earthquake since the 1933 Long Beach earthquake (M6.4), and the first to occur after active fault studies for nuclear power plants had begun in the mid-1960s (e.g. Schlocker et al., 1963).”
Read the full article here
Written by Administrator (July 2021)

Hokudan 2020 International International Symposium on Active Faulting in Awaji City, Japan
The Hokudan 2020 International Symposium on Active Faulting will take place from January 13-17 in Awaji City, Japan. The symposium is held every 5 years. The 2020 event commemorates the 25th anniversary of the 1995 Kobe earthquake. All important information on this meeting is available here:
Written by Administrator (January 2020)

Anders Hogrelius presents at SME Southern California Mining Section Meeting
This presentation will take you through Swedish geology and mining history and the peculiarities of mineral exploration in an environment that has seen multiple glaciations. The presentation will cover parts of the Swedish Mining Code and exploration practices, and will consider if any exploration methods and parts of the Mining Code could be applied to conditions in the United States.
More info here.
Written by Administrator (January 2020)

Written by Administrator (October 2019)

ECI active at USA Volleyball Open Championships in Columbus, OH
Written by Administrator (October 2019)

Eldon Gath invited by Orange County Historical Society
More info here
Written by Administrator (September 2019)

ECI present at 2019 AEG meeting in Asheville, NC
ECI President and current IAEG President Eldon Gath will be representing Earth Consultants International in Asheville. Eldon will talk about the Pleistocene tectonic evolution of Orange County, California on September 21st. See you in Asheville!
More info here
Written by Administrator (August 2019)

ECI's Anders Hogrelius Passes California Professional Geologist Examination
Written by Administrator (February 2019)

ECI present at 16th international congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society
See you in Rio!
More info here
Written by Administrator (May 2019)

Yannick Wirtz receives A.I. Levorsen award at Pacific Section AAPG conference
Yannick Wirtz (center) receives the A. I. Levorsen Memorial Award for his presentation at the PSAAPG conference in Bakersfield presented by PSAAPG president Rick Behl (left) and award chair Bob Lindblom (right). The award recognizes the best paper presented at each AAPG Section meeting, with particular emphasis on creative thinking toward new ideas in exploration.
More info here
Written by Administrator (February 2019)

Dr. Kerry Sieh receives AEG Honorary Member Award
Dr. Kerry Sieh (center), an ECI founding member, receiving the AEG’s Honorary Member award at the 2018 Annual Meeting banquet on September 20th, 2018. Presented to him by citationist and ECI President Eldon Gath (left) and AEG President Greg Hempen (right)
More information here
Written by Administrator (September 2018)

Yannick Wirtz Publishes Article in AAPG November/December Newsletter
Download article here
Written by Administrator (November 2018)

ECI part of the 2018 AEG/IAEG Annual Meeting in San Francisco
Written by Administrator (September 2018)

ECI part of the "Future Earthquakes in Southern California and Preparedness Workshop" at Chapman University
ECI President Eldon Gath will be presenting his talk: Turning Hills into Mountains: How the collision of the Santa Ana Mountains and the Puente Hills dominate OC’s seismic hazard. See you at Chapman University!
More information here
Written by Administrator (August 2018)

Eldon Gath part of IAEG executive meeting in Paris
Written by Administrator (May 2018)

GEOETHICS IN HOLLYWOOD - Eldon Gath and Tania Gonzalez publish in Annals of Geophysics
Should we ignore the hazard posed by the fault? Are we geo-professionals too enamored of the financial gains such regulatory zoning provides that we are unwilling to suggest changes? Could we move past the “one size fits all” zoning that requires that single-family homes are held to the same standard as 40-story buildings?
Download paper here
Written by Administrator (November 2017)
How Can We Put More
Reality Into Fault Zoning

Eldon Gath invited to give Keynote talk at 11th Asian Regional IAEG Conference in Kathmandu, Nepal
More information here
Written by Administrator (November 2017)

Taylor Bogdanovich active at South Coast Geological Society
ECI Staff Geologist Taylor Bogdanovich serves as treasurer for the South Coast Geological Society (SCGS) of Orange County. ECI has been a long term sponsor and its employees remain active. In previous years Maria Herzberg and Eldon Gath have served as President to SCGS.
Thank you, Taylor!
Written by Administrator (February 2017)

Eldon Gath - 2014-2015 GSA Jahns Lecturer
ECI President Mr. Eldon Gath has been named the 2014-2015 Richard H. Jahns Distinguished Lecturer in Applied Geology. The lectureship is awarded jointly by the Environmental and Engineering Geology Division (EEGD) of the Geological Society of America and the Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists. The purpose of the lectureship is to promote student awareness of Applied Geology. Click here for more information.
Written by Administrator (December 2014)

Anders Hogrelius and Eldon Gath attended PDAC Mining Conference in Toronto, Canada
Anders Hogrelius and Eldon Gath attended the Prospectors and Developers Association (PDAC) mining conference in Toronto, Canada. Anders, head of the ECI Mineral Exploration Group, and Eldon, President of ECI, presented ECI’s capabilities and experience to numerous mineral development companies, leading to several business opportunities.
Click here for more information
Written by Administrator (December 2014)

Active Faults of the World – New book by ECI’s Robert Yeats
There is an ever-increasing need for a better understanding of regional seismic hazards, particularly in developing parts of the world where major building projects are planned and where there is a huge migration of people to large cities that are at risk from earthquakes. Disasters in recent times, such as the earthquakes in Japan and Haiti, are chilling proof of the dangers of building in active fault zones. This book provides the first worldwide survey of active earthquake faults, with a focus on those described as “seismic time bombs,” with the potential to destroy large cities in the developing world such as Port au Prince, Kabul, Tehran, and Caracas. Leading international earthquake expert, Robert Yeats, explores both the regional and plate-tectonic context of active faults around the world, providing the background for the seismic hazard valuation in planning large-scale projects such as nuclear power plants or hydroelectric dams. He also highlights work done in more advanced seismogenic countries such as Japan, the United States, Italy, New Zealand, and China as helpful examples for developing nations, providing an important basis for upgrading building standards and other laws. In addition to providing a valuable technical summary of active fault zones worldwide, the book presents the human side of earthquake science, exploring the impact of major quakes on social development through history, such as the effect of the 1755 Lisbon earthquake on the Age of Enlightenment. It will form an accessible reference for analysts and consulting firms, and a convenient overview for academics and students of geoscience, geotechnical engineering and civil engineering, and land-use planning.
Written by Administrator (November 2011)

Eldon Gath Named GSA Fellow
Eldon Gath received a Fellowship Membership Award from the Geological Society of America in recognition for his distinguished contributions to the geosciences.
The award was presented to Eldon by GSA President John Geissman at the 2011 Annual Meeting in Minneapolis, MN, this past October 2011.
Written by Administrator (November 2011)

Bob Yeats Honored by Oregon State University
Download pdf version here:
Written by Administrator (November 2010)