LiDAR Modeling and Analysis
ECI utilizes industry standard LiDAR processing software to generate precise high-resolution maps of the earth’s surface. It is an essential tool to analyze and better understand geologic hazards and resources.
- Fault Investigations
- Landslide Investigations
Find stream channels, measure gradients
Characterize land cover
Flood models
Archeological investigations
Define watersheds
Map landforms and geologic units
Monitor changes in landscape
- 3 dimensional analysis of landforms
Modeling Products
Digital Elevation Model

Elevation Contours

10 feet of elevation between contour lines
Hillshade Model

Topography lit from the northwest
Aspect Model

Slope Map

Ruggedness Map

Examples for LiDAR Usage
Landslide Terrain
2019 Google Earth
Landslide Terrain
2018 LiDAR